Beta Hore no Konyakusha ga Akuyaku Reijou ni Sare Sou na no de Hiroingawa ni wa Sore Souou no Mukui wo Ukete Morau

Beta Hore no Konyakusha ga Akuyaku Reijō ni Sare Sō na no de Hiroingawa ni wa Sore Sōō no Mukui o Ukete Morau, Betabore no Konyakusha ga Akuyaku Reijou ni Sare Sou nanode, Betabore no Konyakusha ga Akuyaku Reijou ni Saresou nanode Heroine-gawa ni wa Sore Souou no Mukui wo Ukete Morau, It Appears That My Fiancée Is Being Made Out to Be the Villain, so I'll Have the Heroine Pay the Appropriate R

巷で大流行中の、王宮を舞台にしたとある恋愛小説『乙星』は、王子であるオレにとってはとんでもなく迷惑な代物で…。婚約者エリザベスにベタ惚れな、王子ヴィンセントが大流行小説の裏でうごめく陰謀に立ち向かう。全ては愛するエリザベスを守るため&二人の親睦を深めるためっ!「小説家になろう」発、異色の悪役令嬢系ラブコメ! Elizabeth is devastated, her engagement was broken with the exact same lines as the scene in The Holy Maiden Makes the Stars Fall in the Night Sky, a popular novel among the nobility. Just as she’s about to explode in anger at the villainous heroine grinning beside her, the crown prince turns around and begins to denounce the heroine actions against her? Actually, everything is in the palm of the Prince’s hand.
